Frozen -- Indian Mung Beans & Rice (Khichadi)

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Khichadi (also spelled khichari, khichri, or kitchdi) is a classic and ancient dish in Indian cooking, in which a legume is cooked together with a grain along with ghee or oil and balancing spices. It can be wet or dry, and is used as a cleansing, nourishing, and healing food in Ayurveda. The spicing varies depending on the time of year and the constitution of the person who is meant to eat it. This delicious version is tridoshic (good for all constitutions) and particularly balancing for warmer weather. It is finished with grated fresh coconut and minced cilantro.

Serving suggestion: Warm a few tablespoons of ghee (we sell it!) and add a couple of pinches of whole spices such as cumin, coriander, cardamom or mustard seeds.  When the seeds start to pop, remove from heat and pour over hot khichadi.

Ingredients: mung beans,* Massa Organics brown rice,* cilantro,* shredded coconut,* coconut oil,* ginger,* Celtic sea salt, coriander,* turmeric,* cumin,* cardamom,* black pepper,* cinnamon,* ground cloves,* asafoetida (*=organic)

Recipe is vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free.

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